
Revolutionizing air quality monitoring

By mapping exposures and bridging data gaps with low-cost sensor-based indigenous technologies

Our Mission

To establish a nation-wide network
of affordable sensors to improve air quality and strengthen
the existing monitoring ecosystem to better address air pollution related
health and environmental impacts.

Latest Updates

Officials from Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board (JSPCB) visited  mobile air quality monitoring laboratory at Lucknow.
Officials from Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board (JSPCB) visited  mobile air quality monitoring laboratory at Lucknow.
Faculties from Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University(BBAU), visited  mobile air quality monitoring laboratory at Lucknow.
Faculties from Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University(BBAU), visited  mobile air quality monitoring laboratory at Lucknow.
Dr. S. N. Tripathi at the Regional Workshop on Air Quality Management in Cities
Dr. S. N. Tripathi at the Regional Workshop on Air Quality Management in Cities
Regional (East)Meet of Institute of Reputes Associated With NCAP Convergence of Knowledge, Capacity& Infrastructure Development – 24 & 25 March – Patna
Regional (East)Meet of Institute of Reputes Associated With NCAP Convergence of Knowledge, Capacity& Infrastructure Development – 24 & 25 March – Patna
Night-time clues to pollution: Night-time chemistry has an important contribution to air pollution over China and India. Understanding the chemical evolution of pollution in the atmosphere at night is needed for efective solutions to improve air quality.
Night-time clues to pollution: Night-time chemistry has an important contribution to air pollution over China and India. Understanding the chemical evolution of pollution in the atmosphere at night is needed for efective solutions to improve air quality.
National Climate Conclave 2023 – 10 & 11 April – Lucknow (Talk titled “States/UTs specific opportunities available with GCF Readiness Programme” by Prof.SNT)
National Climate Conclave 2023 – 10 & 11 April – Lucknow (Talk titled “States/UTs specific opportunities available with GCF Readiness Programme” by Prof.SNT)
Shri S. Chandrasekar, Member Secretary, BSPCB,  Prof. Ashok K. Ghosh, Chairman, BSPCB, Hon’ble Minister Shri Tej Pratap Yadav, DoEF&CC, Govt. Of Bihar, Shri Arvind Kumar Chaudhary, Principal Secretary, DoEF&CC, Govt. Of Bihar and Prof. S.N. Tripathi, Coordinator National Knowledge Network release the meeting brochure on 24th March 2023
Shri S. Chandrasekar, Member Secretary, BSPCB,  Prof. Ashok K. Ghosh, Chairman, BSPCB, Hon’ble Minister Shri Tej Pratap Yadav, DoEF&CC, Govt. Of Bihar, Shri Arvind Kumar Chaudhary, Principal Secretary, DoEF&CC, Govt. Of Bihar and Prof. S.N. Tripathi, Coordinator National Knowledge Network release the meeting brochure on 24th March 2023
A meeting was convened by Mr. Ashish Tiwari (DoEFCC, GoUP) and Prof. Sachchida Nand Tripathi (IIT-Kanpur) on January 27, 2023 at Directorate of Environment, Lucknow in the presence of members from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), Lucknow Municipal Corporation, Panchayati Raj Department (GoUP) and CoE-ATMAN (IIT-Kanpur). Inception of AMRIT project & Review-cum-Training on Decision support system (DSS ) project were discussed during the meeting.
A meeting was convened by Mr. Ashish Tiwari (DoEFCC, GoUP) and Prof. Sachchida Nand Tripathi (IIT-Kanpur) on January 27, 2023 at Directorate of Environment, Lucknow in the presence of members from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), Lucknow Municipal Corporation, Panchayati Raj Department (GoUP) and CoE-ATMAN (IIT-Kanpur). Inception of AMRIT project & Review-cum-Training on Decision support system (DSS ) project were discussed during the meeting.
Mr. Matt Whitney, Head of Data, Clean Air Fund along with Mr. Shriram Manogaran, Analyst, Clean Air Fund visited IIT Kanpur on January 18, 2023. Various discussions of projects related to CoE-Atman, to be funded was carried in this meeting
Mr. Matt Whitney, Head of Data, Clean Air Fund along with Mr. Shriram Manogaran, Analyst, Clean Air Fund visited IIT Kanpur on January 18, 2023. Various discussions of projects related to CoE-Atman, to be funded was carried in this meeting
Talk by Dr. Navaneeth M. Thamban, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, The University of Manchester, on January 11,2023.
Talk by Dr. Navaneeth M. Thamban, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, The University of Manchester, on January 11,2023.
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1000s of sensors, 3 Objectives, 1 Goal – Clean Air!

Objective 1
Nationwide Low-Cost Air Quality Sensor (LCAQS) Networks

Reducing the cost of regulatory ambient AQ requirements by 15 times through scientific validation of LCAQS.

Setting up real-time air quality networks in over 8000 cities and 8000 villages of India.

Facilitating local bodies in taking informed air pollution mitigation decisions in real-time.

Objective 2
Building Sensor Hardware and Data/ML Ecosystem for Industry and Citizen Science

Facilitating local bodies in taking informed air pollution mitigation decisions in real-time.

A self-sustaining LCAQS ecosystem that will generate revenue, and provide employment opportunities.

Inspiring other nations to set up their own LCAQS networks

Objective 3
Fabrication and designing of Indigenous Low-cost sensors (LCS)

Centre alignment testing for paragraph block

Design the light source and optical routing to air chamber.

Air sampling system

Scattered light detection and post-processing.

Miniaturization and packaging.

Our First Project – AMRIT

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring using Indigenous Technology

Media highlights

अब स्वदेशी सेंसर बताएगा प्रदूषण होने की वजह, यूपी और बिहार में ब्लाॅक स्तर तक शुरू किया गया आंकलन

कानपुर, 4 जून 2023: केंद्र सरकार की पहल पर भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (आइआइटी) कानपुर ने पर्यावरण की बेहतरी के लिए बड़ी पहल की है। परियोजना में दोनों प्रदेशों के 113 के 1356 ब्लाक में एयर क्वालिटी सेंसर लगाए जाएंगे। ये प्रदूषण के साथ तापमान की भी जानकारी देगा।

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